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Showing posts with label Sedona Arizona Landscape Painting Pastel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sedona Arizona Landscape Painting Pastel. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Two Sedona Paintings

I finished the Sedona Painting I started at my Mom's house. This painting was done on a green La Carte paper. I brought out an older painting of the same scene that I did on salmon colored La Carte. Thought it would be fun to compare them side-by-side.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Continuing with the Sedona Painting

I did a little more on this painting ... need to do more with the trees in the foreground. It is way too hot today. Mom doesn't have air conditioning. I'm trying to keep everyone cool - including my angora bunny that I had to bring with me (to give her antibiotics from an abscess). I have her outside on the lawn in a patch of shade in a puppy pen with towels clipped over the top for more shade and shelter. Mom's silky terrier really likes the bunny. She wants to play with her, but, like a dog plays - like, jump on their head and then run away. The poor bun doesn't see it coming and gets bonked. After three times, bunny said "enough" and went back into her puppy pen!

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Sedona Landscape

I am at my Mom's house now. I took her to physical therapy this morning. She is having a "tired" day. This afternoon I began painting this Sedona scene in the shade outside. It is from a photo I took a few years ago. I'm trying to arrange them step-by-step in this blog entry, with the start of the work at the end this time.
I actually did a painting of this scene a year ago, only on salmon colored La Carte paper. Today I'm using a soft grayish green La Carte. I think it will be fun to compare them side-by-side when I'm done.