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Showing posts with label koi fish painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label koi fish painting. Show all posts

Friday, May 15, 2015


"Convergence" pastel 18.5 x 23

I worked on this all day and brought it to finish.  Yay!

This painting was a journey for me.  It was totally made-up.  I looked at about 25 photos and just used some ideas from them.  So, as I went along I had to figure out shadows.  Then, I had to make up the ripples and reflection.  I tried them and re-did them, then tried them again.  I eliminated some after putting them in.  I tried blending tools and techniques to tone down things that came out too much.

I learned a lot!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"Flick of the Tail" koi fish painting

12 x 9 pastel

I am finished.  Sigh!  Now I'm happy - I spent time with my fish (wish I had real ones), and I'm ready to move on to the next painting in landscape.

Today is the 4th of July - our Independence Day.  We are enjoying a peaceful day at home.  I worked in the vegetable garden before it got too hot, and harvested more lettuce and my first zucchini.  The tomatoes are going crazy.  Many green ones.  I trimmed the leaves away from them so the sun would turn them red.  There are three little Green Bell Peppers growing bigger.

Happy summery everyone!