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Showing posts with label painting with threads needlework. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painting with threads needlework. Show all posts

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A different kind of painting - with threads

Just no time to paint!  But I did take my Mom to the stitching group in town for a few hours of group companionship (aka stitch n bitch).  Really, we don't do that, but we do have some interesting conversations while we stitch our projects!

I haven't been to stitching in over a month.  So this project is going to take a long, long time.  Another friend I haven't seen in a while was also working on the same old duck needlepoint LOL!  She said she'd be working on it 'till she dies! 

We shopped yesterday for a washer, dryer and refrigerator for the new house.  The store was having a Memorial Weekend sale and our large purchase qualified us for a mini flip-type camera for $20 - the kind you can take a short video, plug it into your computer and immediately download it to YouTube and post it on your blog.  Woohoo!  I can take a movie of a short demo of my painting process and post it here.  That should be fun!  Stay tuned....