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Showing posts with label pastel painting landscapes workshop en plein air Albert Handell daily painter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pastel painting landscapes workshop en plein air Albert Handell daily painter. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Light Coming Throught the Trees" Albert Handell Workshop - Day One

"Light Coming Through the Trees"
watercolor underpainting with some charcoal strokes

I just got back from a 5-day workshop with Albert Handell.  Grass Valley, California is just far enough away to NOT commute, so I stayed at a local artist's home.  It was great to be totally immersed in art for a long stretch of time.  The pictures above are of my painting in the afternoon of the first day.

Albert did a demo in the morning showing the watercolor underpainting technique.  We are all working on white Kitty Wallis sanded paper.  One of Albert's techniques that I learned was the use of soft vine charcoal to give more texture and linear strokes to trees and branches.  It is a very lovely way to add texture and softness at the same time.