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Showing posts with label tide pool watercolor painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tide pool watercolor painting. Show all posts

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tide Pool in Watercolor - finished

This was fun. I even used a sponge for some texture, and watercolor pencils, as well as dabbing the brush to make spots. This was so much fun, I'd like to do more, maybe with shells and such. What would REALLY be fun, is if I could learn how to do reflections on the water too.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tidepool in watercolor

Today was watercolor day. I took a break from pastel to paint with my friend. I decided to do something different. A tide pool. I'm hoping to keep it a little abstract looking. Abstract is hard for me. I tend to define everything, leaving nothing to the viewer's imagination. This is quiet fun. I can get into texture in this one. At this point I bet you wouldn't know what it was, if I hadn't told you. I usually don't post my photographic reference, but this time I will, so you can figure out where I'm going....