We finally made it to Cancun. It was a little questionable there for a while. First, they didn't have enough people checking people in, it was the longest we ever had to wait for that. Then, they had to de-ice the plane, then we barely made our connecting flight in LA, then, we sat in LA because of air traffic control in Cancun was busy, so we had to wait 30 minutes to take off. Then, we were only in the air 15 minutes when something smelled kinda smokey-burned-coffee smell...so we turned around and went back, de-planed and waited about 3 hours while they checked the A/C or whatever it was that made that smell. Then we re-boarded and got here. Whew! I don't normally drink much, but 2 margaritas were highly desireable. It was a long day. Yesterday, we baked in the sun by the pool. And we walked all around, checking the place out. We could see how the hurricane several years ago must have erroded the beach away...not much there. And the landscaping hadn't really grown in. So, consequently, there wasn't much to inspire me to paint. Add to that, the breeze. Today was windier than yesterday. Today there were no parasailing folks cruising around in their parachutes. Umbrellas were folded. So, I spent the morning on our balcony which was protected by the breeze, and painted this scene. The color of the water is amazing. Turquoise greenish-blue and where the reef drops off it is dark lapis lazuli color. My pastels I brought don't quite capture the vibrant color of the water, but I tried!
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