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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Painting at the local arboretum

9 x 12 oil

We have an arboretum in Reno, with a creek down the hill with wild plants and a tangle of trees and fallen-but-still-living cottonwood trees.

Today I painted with another friend there.  Today I was pleased that I finished in two hours.  I did a few things different - I used more turpenoid in the beginning and then put the board in the sun to dry it.  When most of it was dry, I could continue painting with Walnut oil alkyd medium with half turp.  I also premixed piles of colors and values.  And that helped, too.

1 comment:

ti-igra said...

This tree like a tree from fairy tale!!!! I love how you paint it, with blu-violet in the shadow, also, the beginning of process looks great and enchanted too! :D

You're working faster with oils, Carolyn, cool!!!!