Hello my friends! We had a scary wild fire in our area and it was heading our way. The 80mph winds made it out of control. At this time they have counted 26 houses burned. Yesterday I voluntarily packed up my bunny, and put all six birdies in one small cage, and took them and some important personal items to our old little house that is empty and for sale, since it is farther away from the danger.
My girlfriend lives in the area where it started and several homes in her neighborhood were lost. I talked to her on her cell phone because she had no power. She was covered with soot from using the garden hose on hot spots in her yard, but otherwise she was safe.
The barn where we both board our horses was upwind from the fire, so we were relieved about that.
My husband and I then packed more bags and just watched TV to see how it was going. We could see fire on the ridges from our house - a big orange glow outline. We went to bed and did not sleep well. The smoke gave me a headache. No one came to order evacuation.
This morning it was 50% contained, and the wind was quiet, so I went back to pick up the pets and unpack everything. I am still worried about another friend who lives in one of the neighborhoods that was evacuated. My heart goes out to those that suffered loss, and my thanks and appreciation for the firemen, policemen and first responders who worked so hard all day and all night.